Sunday, January 4, 2009

Why is it cold in Texas???!!!

Aaron had read an article or watched a documentary or heard from someone who heard from someone else or something, that eventually the climate in Texas would be like that of a rain forest. This of course would be thanks to global warming. I don't know when this is projected to happen or even if it will happen. Point being, I don't mean to sound anti-environmental but I want to grow bananas in my yard. I only want to wear coats when I visit other places. I would like to live in a sauna.

Granted, living in that atmosphere has it's pitfalls. There was a time when I lived in Florida and went to the Y to workout everyday extended lunch break. I never saw the need to take a shower right after since I was going back to work to do an outside walking/jogging class or get covered in slip for ceramics or hell, it's Florida, you can sweat just standing there. After a couple weeks of this during the summer I developed a rash right below my bottom (keeping it pg) and on the inside of my thighs. Of course every time I walked the rash hurt, it spread, and it weeped a watery blistery ooze that soaked my pants. I was pretty miserable with it for a while. If this ever happens to you I highly recommend wearing men's boxer briefs.

So yes, I understand why some people don't like the heat. This does not deter me though. When the temperature starts to go up in Texas I open my windows and pretend I am in South America with wind blowing through my house. Often you may hear Buena Vista Social Club coming from the stereo. I find the heat romantic and dreamy.

Much to my dislike right now, Denton is a lovely 29 degrees. This is after yesterday afternoon's high of 79. I know, it's craziness. I have to say it's also a little endearing though. You never know what to expect. I actually never put my winter or summer clothes away anymore. I have also become one of those people that can comfortably where a sweatshirt in 80 degree weather because well, you never know it could be 50 in 2 hours when the sun goes down and 50 is freezing to me. This coming from a person who in college would barely wear a jacket, much less a coat (that's ridiculous!) during the winter months in Philadephia. I have never lived any place that can be so surprising weather-wise. As I said, it's endearing. Not necessarily wanted though. But with lemons, you make lemonade. With colder weather in Texas you do something else.

Add a pinch of this:

To a larger potion of this:

And Voila!

Hot Chocolate with Cayenne.
This is a great winter treat. I am generally not that fond of chocolate (unless it's in cookies!) but every once in a while I get a craving for a nice piping hot cup. This time I made the hot chocolate- just with milk, cocoa and sugar, then sprinkled in a bit of cayenne pepper and nutmeg to taste. Go make yourself some. Now!

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